Change of Format

So I realized I havent posted shit and I should probably get on that … and then eventually start doing it on a regular basis.

At first this was supposed to be about news. Well I figured out I hate the news so Im just going to write about myself and my life and shit that I think about because honestly Im very vain and dont have much else to write about. Hope you enjoy.

SO on the list of topics today … Social networking. If youre even reading this it mean that some how we probably are connected on a social network that involves technology. Which I guess is fine but when is enough? I have a facebook and twitter accounts. I have a myspace that I never use anymore and there is even more competition emerging in this market.

The kicker for me is that someone somewhere is profiting from all of our networking. Lets be honest if they werent it wouldnt be offered for free. Someone is answering all those littles ads that pop up on the sides of the pages and it allows us to keep going on and doing what we do with no cost to us. Which in a way is totally awesome except when you consider that youre constantly being bombarded with ads and your information is being sold and EVEN in that contract that you accepted but didnt read you agreed to give up the rights to your pictures. Ok that might not be true anymore I really dont know. This is one of those prime examples where it’s just doesnt make sense. The collective of people using these site have the skills and the knowledge to make it ourselves and maintain and monitor it. Still we let capitalists who endeavor to pray off us run the show and take possession of things that really matter like our pictures and our addresses. If we could do it ourselves, do it better and without the huge price tag (and it is HUGE) then why dont we?

Ok so thats it for now. I guess this edition was not as cheeky as I would like but hopefully if someone is actually reading this it made you think.

Published in: on December 10, 2009 at 7:12 pm  Leave a Comment  

This Just In: Alex NOT a Whore

This just in.

An anonymous source close to Alexandra recently revealed to me that she is in fact NOT a whore.

This is what the source had to say:

“I have some super secret news for you.” and he continued with. “Alex told me that all she has done is kiss a boy, she hasn’t even made out yet.”

Others sources close to Alex say this is good news because her boyfriend is reportedly “a total douche.”

In other news a woman known only to us as “Evie’s Mom” was stopped by a chipmunk in the driveway. Witnesses to the scene say that the chipmunk stood in the middle of the drive adamant not to move.

Evie’s Mom decided to roll down her window and scream violently at the animal, “What the FUCK are you thinking? Get out of the driveway you dumb shit.”

The chimpmunk had this to say, “I really dont understand why this woman needed to get so hot headed. I have a right to walk across the drive like anyone else and if she had not yelled at me I would have moved right away. I had only been in the drive a brief moment when she decided to scream so harshly at me and I am still trying to decide if I will bring legal action. I’ll tell you what though, I am sure glad my kids did not witness that kind of violent action,”

So there you have it, chipmunks will try to sue you when you yell at them even when THEY are in the wrong.

Thats it for this moments news. Thanks for joining us and we hope to see you next time at Ashlee’s Mutha Fuckin News Show.


Published in: on October 5, 2009 at 7:46 pm  Leave a Comment  

Welcome To Ashlee’s Mutha Fukin News Show

BRAND NEW – Not the Band

Hi everyone, and welcome to my brand new news show.

First of all lets cover a few things like, this is obviously not a show and it may consist of not only news but OPINIONS! Most obviously my opinions. You don’t have to like it, maybe you will love it. I look forward to hearing from you about that. Last thing I want to cover is that you might be a friend, family member, lover or stranger and regardless of who you are I would be happy to help you out doing this blogging thing about events and such going on that people might like to know about so if you have something like that please let me know.

So now that we have that out of the way … TO THE NEWS.

First on the agenda … There is a rally/protest going on in Norwich, CT on Oct 10th at 10am in front of Planned Parenthood. This is IN SUPPORT of Planned Parenthood programs. This is the link which is for Facebook if you have one. You can go there and check it out if you are in the area and can attend please do. The more support we show for Planned Parenthood and all the good work they do the better it is for everyone. Sexual health is mucho importante (excuse my terrible Spanish)!

In other news I have recently become vegetarian. Some people are like “But Ashlee animals are so delicious and tasty. Why would you ever want to not eat them?” and to this I say. I do I really do want to because they are tasty and delicious but at what cost? Animals are born and raised in terrible conditions just to be slaughtered. They suffer illnesses and physical and emotional stress. They feel pain just like any other animal, including human beings and that in a very small nutshell is why I just cannot eat them anymore. You do not have to follow in my footsteps or agree with me but that how I do.Also in later news I may eventually try the Vegan path, but that’s kind of hardcore for me right now so I am going to stick with vegetarian for now.

And now for Sports. Ok, so I don’t really follow sports … so … i think something that has been going on in football is causing more cops to be out on the roads. Watch out for cops.

Thats all for this hours, or possible days or even weeks edition of Ashlee’s Mutha Fuckin News. Hope to see you next time, and if you have any suggestions for a catchy, classy last line please let me know!;)

Published in: on October 5, 2009 at 6:10 pm  Comments (6)